Jesus Christ Tonpi Kin
[Jesus Christ txuN'-pi kiN]
The birth of Jesus Christ
Hekta omaka opawinge
wikcemna wanji sam opawinge napciyunka sam iyaya, hehan Roman oyate
kin maka akanl ataya itancanpi na wicasayatapi tanka kin Caesar Augustus
eciyapi kin was'akehce.
[he'kta o'makxa opa'winge wikce'mna wanz^i' sam opa'winge napci'yuNka sam iya'ya he'haN Roman oya'te kiN makxa' akaN'l a'taya itxaN'caN-pi na wicha's^ayata-pi txaN'ka kiN Caesar Augustus echi'yapi kiN was^?a'keh^ce]
More than one thousand, nine hundred years ago, the Roman people were totally lords over the Earth, and the Emperor, whose name was Caesar Augustus, was supremely powerful.
Oyate ota na Juda oyate kin ko wicayuha. Na Juda makoce na Syria makoce kin nupin icikoyake, na hel itancan wan Cyrinus eciyapi kin he yanke. [oya'te o'ta na Juda oya'te kiN kxo wicha'yuha. Na Juda makxo'ce na Syria makxo'ce kiN nuphiN' ichi'kxoya'ke, na hel itxaN'chaN waN Cyrinus echi'ya-pi kiN he yaNke'.]
He (Caes.Aug.) possessed many peoples, including the people of Judea. And the land of Judea and the land of Syria were both united (lit.'fastened together'), and in that place, was the lord/chieftain who was named Cyrinus.
Yunkan Caesar wicasa tona wicayuha kin slolyin kta on oyate ataya wicayawapi na caje oikwapi kta wicasi. Na wicasa otoiyohi otonwahe tawapi kin el econpi kta ca, itehanyan tipi esa, ekta yapi kte. [yuN'kxaN Caesar wicha's^a to'na wicha'yuha kiN slolyiN' kta uN' oya'te a'taya wicha'yawa'-pi na chaz^e' oi'kwa-pi kta wicha's^i. na wicha's^a oto'iyohi otxuN'wahe txawa'-pi kiN el' echuN'-pi kta cha - ite'haNyaN thi-pi es^a' - ekta' ya'-pi kte.]
And then, because Caesar wished to learn how many people he was master of, he commanded all the people to be counted, and that they were to write their own names down. And (he commanded) that each person was to go to their own town, in order to comply (with this decree) there, even if they lived far away from it.
Canke wana Nazareth el wicoh'an econpi kte kin yaotaninpi; canke Mary Joseph kici nahonpi. Yunkan wotanin kin otehike; icin nupin David tatiwahe na we etanhanpi; (...) [chaNke' waNna' Nazareth el wicho'h^?aN echuN'-pi kte kiN yao'txaNiN-pi; chaNke' Mary Joseph kichi' nah^?uN'-pi. yuN'kxaN wo'txaNniN kiN ote'h^ike; ichiN' nuphiN' David txa-thi'wahe na we' etaN'haN-pi; (...)]
And so it was announced that the custom [i.e. the Census] was to be done in Nazareth; so Mary and Joseph obeyed. And now the news was [hard on them]; for both of them were descended from the House & blood-line [family and blood] of David; (...)
(...) canke Bethlehem otonwahe kin ekta yapi kte, k'eyas wana Mary hehanyan oiglagya un kta iyececa sni, k'eyas ena oiglonicapi nains siliapi sni Wakantanka wawicasi kecinpi on is'os'oya kicinc'iyapi. [(...) chaNke' Bethlehem otxuN'wahe kiN ekta' ya'-pi kte, k?e'yas^ waNna' Mary he'haNyaN oi'glagya uN kta iye'checa s^ni, k?e'yas^ e'na oi'glonica-pi naiN's^ s^il-i'ya-pi s^ni wakxaN'-txaN'ka wawi'chas^i ke'chiN-pi uN is^?o's^?oya khichiN'ciya-pi.]
(...) and so they were to go to the town of Bethlehem, but, although at that time Mary ought not to have been travelling about, they were not stubborn nor did they grumble against (moving), considering it as God's command to them, they cheerfully would set out for the journey.
Heconpi na iwastegla Bethlehem etkiya yapi na anpetu iyamni el iyus'oyakel ihunnipi. [he'chuN-pi na iwa's^tegla Bethlehem e'tkiya ya'-pi na aNpe'tu iya'mni el iyu's?oyakel ihuN'ni-pi.]
They did so, and - cautiously struggling along - headed for Bethlehem and on the third day just barely arrived there.
Yunkan wicota ahi: canke Joseph tiiyaza hiyaya, k'eyas tukteni owicakan sni na tukteni wicakiyukanpi kta tawat'elyapi sni. [yuN'kxaN wicho'ta ahi': chaNke' Joseph thii'yaza hiya'ya, k?e'yas^ tukte'ni owi'chakxaN s^ni na tukte'ni wicha'kiyukan-pi kta txawa't?elya-pi s^ni.]
But a crowd of people had come there also: so Joseph passed on from house to house, yet nowhere was there any room for them, and nobody was willing anywhere to give a place to them (=make room for them).
Canke kawingapi na Bethlehem itankatanhan waniyanpi onajin wan han ca tima ipi na hel hpayapi. [chaNke' kawiN'ga-pi na Bethlehem itxaN'kataNhaN wani'yaN-pi ona'z^iN waN haN cha thima' i'-pi na hel' h^pa'ya-pi.]
And so they turned back, and outside of Bethlehem there was (stood) a shelter for (domestic) animals, and so they went inside and lay down to rest.
Yunkan anpetu wan el Mary hoksiyuha kte kin he hehantu. Hecel Jesus Christ Wakantanka cinca kin hancokanyan ehanl yuhapi. [yuN'kxaN aNpe'tu waN el' Mary hoks^i'yuha kte kiN he hehaN'tu. he'chel Jesus Christ WakxaN'-txaN'ka chiNca' kiN haNcho'kaNyaN ehaN'l yuha'-pi.]
And then one day, it was the time that Mary should give birth (to a child). That was how Jesus Christ the Son (child) of G-d had been born in the middle of the night.
Na Messias Wanikiye wan tehanl apepi k'un he maka akanl taninic'iye. Yunkan Mary hoksicala kin sina on oholaya opemni na cankaoskokpapi wan el ekiunpe na cankpeska makagle cekiyanajin. [na Messias Wani'khiye waN the'haNl aphe'-pi k?uN he makxa' akaN'l taNiN'ic?iye. yuNkxaN' Mary hoks^i'cala kiN s^ina' uN oho'laya ope'mni na chaNka'os^kokpa-pi waN el eki'uNpe na chaNkpe's^ka makxa'gle cheki'a-naz^iN.]
And the Messiah who had been long-awaited manifested himself upon Earth. And then Mary wrapped her infant reverently in a blanket, and laid him carefully in a wooden trough, and knelt on the ground in prayer.
Ogligle wakan kin tokel tahca sunkala awanyankapi kin el hosi wicakahipi kin he. [ogli'gle wakxaN' kiN to'khel txa'h^ca s^uNka'la awaN'yaNka-pi kiN el hos^i' wicha'kahi-pi kiN he] Why the Angels brought the news to the shepherds.
Jesus Wakantanka cinca kin wicasa ic'icagin na unkiyepi on igluciscilahce ca tona igluhukuyapi na wasteglawapi sni heci hena tewicahila. Na ecakel igluwahpanica ca tona woyuha ota yuhapi sni Wakantanka okiwanjila oholapi kin hena wicacin. [Jesus WakxaN'-txaN'ka chiNca' kiN wicha's^a ic?i'cagiN na uNki'ye-pi uN iglu'ciscilah^ce cha to'na iglu'hukxu'ya-pi na was^te'glawa-pi s^ni he'ci hena' thewi'chah^ila. na eca'kel iglu'wah^panica cha to'na wo'yuha o'ta yuha'-pi s^ni WakxaN'-txaN'ka o'kiwanz^ila oho'la-pi kiN hena' wicha'chiN.]
Jesus the Son of G-d assumed human shape ('made himself man') and through us totally belittled himself in order to cherish and respect those who lower themselves and do not deem ('count') themselves worthy ('good'). And he purposely made himself poor because he wanted those who did not own much property to equally worship G-d.
Hanwakan kin el wicasa k'eya Bethlehem etan wiyohiyanpatakiya tahca sunkala awanwicaglakapi. Wicasa owotanlapi na Messias wan u kta iwaktapi kin hecapi. [haNwa'kxaN kiN el' wicha's^a k?eya' Bethlehem etaN' wiyo'hiyaNpatakhiya txa'h^ca s^uNka'la awaN'wichaglaka-pi. wicha's^a owo'txaNla-pi na Messias waN u kta iwa'kta-pi kiN hecha'-pi.] In the Holy Night there were some men shepherding their flocks ('overseeing their sheep') east of Bethlehem. They were righteous ('just/not crooked') men who had watched out for the Messiah to come.
Yunkan ungnahela ogligle wakan wan el wicahi na mahpiya kin lila iyotanin na Wakantanka tawowiyakpa kin ohomni iyojanjanwicaye; canke lila nihinciyapi. [yuNkxaN' uNgna'hela ogli'gle wakxaN' waN el wicha'hi na mah^pi'ya kiN li'la iyo'txaNiN na WakxaN'-txaN'ka txawo'wiyakpa kiN oho'mni iyo'z^aNz^aNwicha'ye; chaNke' li'la nihiN'ciya-pi]
And then, all of a sudden, an angel came to ('arrived among') them illuminating the sky ('shined on acount of him') and, round about, the glaring splendor of G-d was on them, and therefore they were frightened very much.
Ehanl ogligle wakan kin hewicakiye: "Wakoyakipapi kilo! Iho, wowiyuskin tanka na wotanin waste oyate kin owancaya ecel yin kta ca hosi ciahipelo. Le anpetu kin el David otonwahe kin el Wanikiye wan nicitonpi ; na Christ Itancan kin he e yelo. Na on iyeyakiyapi kte kin he le e yelo. (...) [ehaN'l ogli'gle wakxaN' kiN hewi'chakiye: "wakxo'yakip?a-pi khilo' ! Iho', wo'wiyus^kiN txaN'ka na wo'txaNiN was^te' oya'te kiN o'waNcaya echel' yiN' kta cha hos^i' chia'hi-pelo. le aNpe'tu kiN el' David otxuN'wahe kiN el' Wani'khiye waN nici'txuN-pi; na Christ ItxaN'chaN kiN he e' yelo'. na uN' iye'yakiya-pi kte kiN he le e' yelo' (...)]
And now, the angel spoke this to them: "Do not be frightened! Listen, great joice and good news will be brought to you. (In) this day a Saviour was born to you in the town of David; and he is Christ the L-rd. And actually, he is the one you will find.
(...) Hoksiunpapi wan sina on opemnipi na cankaoskokpapi wan el yunka ca iyeyayapi kte lo ewicakiye. Hehanl ungnahela ogligle wakan ota ogligle wakan wan waeye k'un he kici taninic'iyapi na Wakantanka yatanpi na heyapi: "Iyotan wankatuya ekta Wakantanka wowitan yuha ni" [Gloria in excelsis Deo!] na maka akanl wowahwa kin wicasa wicotawacin wastepi kin yuhapi ni," [et pax in terra hominibus bonae voluntatis], eyapi na unyan iwicayayapi. [(...) hoks^i'uNpa-pi waN s^ina' uN ope'mni-pi na chaNka'os^kokpa-pi waN el yuNka' cha iye'yaya-pi ktelo' " ewi'chakiye. hehaN'l uNgna'hela ogli'gle wakxaN' o'ta ogli'gle wakxaN' waN wae'ye k?uN he kichi' taNiN'ic?iya-pi na wakxaN'-txaN'ka yataN'-pi na heya'-pi: "iyo'taN waNka'tuya ekta' WakxaN'-txaN'ka wo'witan yuha' ni" - Gloria in excelsis Deo! - "na makxa' akan'l wo'wah^wa kiN wicha's^a wicho'txawachiN was^te'-pi kiN yuha'-pi ni" - et pax in terra hominibus bonae voluntatis - eya'-pi na uN'yaN iwi'chayaya-pi.]
And he told them that they would find an infant wrapped in a blanket and lying in a wooden trough. Then suddenly, together with the one angel who had spoken (to them), many angels manifested and they were praising G-d saying: "Glory to G-d in the Highest ('may G-d have glory up in the highest')" [Gloria in excelsis Deo!] "and on earth peace to men of good will ('of good disposition')" [et pax in terra hominibus bonae voluntatis]. Saying this, they were out of sight and had left them.
Yunkan tahcasunkala awanyankapi kin hekiciyapi: "Ito, Bethlehem ekta unyanpi na Itancan taku wan unkokiyakapi kin he wanunyankapi kte lo," eyapi na etkiya iyayapi. Na wana el ihunnipi el Mary Joseph kici wanwicayankapi na hoksicala wan cankaoskokpapi wan el yunka ca wanyankapi. Na wanyankapi el hoksiunpapi wan on wicoie nah'onpi k'un he wowicake ca slolyapi. [yuN'kxaN txa'h^ca-s^uNka'la awaN'yaNka-pi kiN heki'ciya-pi: itxo', Bethlehem ekta' uNyaN'-pi na ItxaN'chaN ta'ku waN uNk-o'kiyaka-pi kiN he' waNuN'yaNka-pi ktelo' " eya'-pi na e'tkiya iya'ya-pi. na waNna' el ihuN'ni-pi Mary Joseph kichi' waNwi'chayaNka-pi na hoks^i'la chaNka'os^kokpa-pi waN el' yuNka' cha waNyaN'ka-pi. na waNyaN'ka-pi el' hoks^i'uNpa-pi waN uN wicho'iye nah^?uN'-pi k?uN he wo'wicakhe cha slolya'-pi.]
And (then) the shepherds said to each other : "Well now, let us go to Bethlehem, and we shall see what the Lord has told us of!", so they said and departed in that direction. Now as they arrived there, they saw Joseph and Mary, and they saw a boy child lying in a hollowed-out wooden trough. And as they saw it, they knew that the words they had heard about an infant were the truth.
Canke ogligle wakan eya wanwicayankapi kin hena oyas'in hutipak'oya oyakapi. Na lila iyus'inyayapi, k'eyas Mary woyakapi kin cante mahel awacin un. Yunkan tahca sunkala awanyanke kin kiglapi na wanah'onpi k'un he owancaya yaotaninpi na Wakantanka yaonihanpi. [chaNke' ogli'gle wakxaN' e'ya waNyaN'ka-pi kiN hena' oya's?iN huti'pak?oya oya'ka-pi. na li'la iyu's^?iNyaya-pi, k?e'yas^ Mary wo'yakapi kiN chaNte' mahel' awa'chiN uN. yuN'kxan txah^'ca s^uNka'la awaN'yaNke kiN khigla'-pi na wana'h^?uN-pi k?uN he o'waNcaya yao'txaNiN-pi na WakxaN'-txaN'ka yao'nihaN-pi.]
And now they told everything accurately about the angels whom they had seen. And they were very astonished, but Mary was reflecting in her heart what had been told (to her). And then the shepherds had returned home and proclaimed all over what they had heard, and they praised G-d. |
( Original text by Father Eugen Buechel S.J )
Itancan Wocekiye Ateunyanpi mahpiya ekta nanke
cin, Wokicunze kin na wowasake
kin Amen! |
itxaN'chan wo'chekiye ate'uNyaN-pi
mah^pi'ya ekta naNke' ciN, wo'kicuNze
kiN na wo'was^ake kiN Amen! |
(Lord's Prayer transferred to Lakota by A.W. Tüting)
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