a quite remarkable Lakota writer & translator
some songs of Ann
Nolan Clark's cycle:
"The Singing Little Lakota Cowboy"
skillfully translated by him.
Lakóta pteóle hoksíla lowán s'a kin he
Waniyetu Kin He Waniyetu
kin u s'a. Osmaka
kin ojula owasme s'a. Peji
eya naksunyanpi k'un hena un wowicunk'upi. Hanhepi
canna ocozapi. 1947 |
waníyetu kiN hé waníyetu
kiN u s?a ósmaka
kiN oz^úla owásme s?a phez^í
eyá naks^úNyaNpi k?uN hená uN wówichuNk?upi haNhépi
cháNna oc^ózapi waníyetu kiN ú s?a k?éyas^ hená ítokxapi s^ni 1947 |
's ist Winter Der
Winter ist wieder gekommen, Das
Tal liegt wieder in Schnee. Wir
werfen ihnen vor in Büscheln das Heu. Haben's
des Nachts jetzt schön warm. (Wanikiye tunpi taanpetu 2006 - Taigmu-akito he yuieska) |
't is winter Winter
has come again, Filled
deep with snow the valley again, We
give them their bottles of hay to feed, During
the night they're warm and at ease. (Christmas
2006 - Txaígmu-akítxo he yuíyeska) |
kin le cicahiyayapi kte lo Yip-e-ye
! Yip-e-ye ! Tohanl
wi kin maste un kate kin Yip-e-yi
! Tohanl
lila tate osni kinhan Yip-e-yi
! (Wanikiye tunpi taanpetu 2006 - Taigmu-akito he yuieska) |
kiN le chicáhiyayapi kte lo Yip-e-ye
! Yip-e-ye ! ToháNl
wí kiN mas^té uN kxáte kiN Yip-e-yi
! ToháNl
líla txaté osní kíNhaN Yip-e-yi
! (Wanikiye txúNpi txaáNpetu 2006 - Txaigmu-akitxo he yuiyeska) |
sing' dies Lied für
euch, Yip-e-ye
! Yip-e-ye ! Wenn
die Sonne brennt heiß Yip-e-yi
! Wenn
kalt bläst der Wind Yip-e-yi
! (Wanikiye tunpi taanpetu 2006 - Taigmu-akito he yuieska) |
Last Song Yip-e-eye
! Yip-e-yi ! When
the sun shines hot Yip-e-yi
! When
the wind blows cold Yip-e-yi
! English
original text (1947) by Ann Nolan CLARK (1896-1995) |
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since January 2007